02-23-2014, 03:52 PM
So I spawned as a scientist, not traitor, and I hadn't played with toxins in over a year. I don't know if I ever actually made a real bomb or if it worked, but I knew how too. So I went ahead and after much frustration and fourty minutes into the round, I manage to superheat a certain cannister I needed to like 15k and a shitton of pressure. After putting together a bomb and testing it in the explosive simulator (it got 11x11 btw), I checked my cannisters and it said they were cool. Then suddenly, one that wasn't even on a register, started to spike rapidly and make steaming, spitting noises. Me being dumb and panicing, I rushed into the gas storage with said cannister. As I was about to ditch it, it erupted. In seconds sI was dead, all the cannisters blowing a massive fireball. And then suddenly..Atomicthumbs swooped in and helped make the greatest blue-star fire ever. What hasth god wrought?