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Best moments ever thread 2.0
This is the story of an TGstation admin gimmick I happened to get in the crossfire in.

Normally I play goons but occasionally, I go check out other servers.

that day was one of those days.

Note: I'm not really sure if this qualifies as a best moment, or a serious "What is wrong with these people" moment.

So I'm a barman, captain seems kinda unfun and the HONKGINEER, a clown starts building stuff next to bridge, he builds a table and chairs. Captain tells him to remove it but the clown ignores it.

I decide to be a rude barman and start stocking this table with whiskey, cigs, and snacks. If I would have found some poker cards or a board game I would have threw that there too.

Eventually central command (admins) turn the floor into sand, and the station slowly gets hotter and hotter. Everyone gets a disease that causes them to starve. Surely but slowly the admins start "selling" items from the station, by removing them. First goes the food and water, then the medicine, then the grilles. They even release some evil starving skeletons upon the station, I manage to not die fighting one off with a spear with some help from another dude. And it only gets worse and worse.

Eventually some of the crew resort to cannibalism, cutting up people to make meat, botany is quickly raided for whatever food they can get out of it, and the crew doesn't die just yet. Most of the crew is surprisingly hard to kill. Finally the admins get bored, and decide to release a changeling named pestilence upon the station. After the admins sold order (they put guns in the AI core) I decided to charge security with an antique laser and was killed off pretty quick, but that was a messed up round.

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