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Best moments ever thread 2.0
Oddball Stroble says, "fatborg"
Cyborg Pi-15 is trying to stick the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm!
You buckle in Oddball Stroble.
Cyborg Pi-15 is trying to stick the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm!
Cyborg Pi-15 is trying to stick the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm!
Oddball Stroble shakes Oddball Stroble trying to wake Oddball Stroble up!
Cyborg Pi-15 is trying to stick the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm!
Cyborg Pi-15 sticks the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm.
Cyborg Pi-15 is trying to stick the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm!
Cyborg Pi-15 sticks the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm.
Cyborg Pi-15 is trying to stick the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm!
Oddball Stroble says, "nooooo"
Cyborg Pi-15 sticks the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm.
Cyborg Pi-15 is trying to stick the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm!
Cyborg Pi-15 sticks the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm.
Cyborg Pi-15 is trying to stick the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm!
Cyborg Pi-15 sticks the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm.
Cyborg Pi-15 is trying to stick the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm!
Cyborg Pi-15 sticks the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm.
Cyborg Pi-15 is trying to stick the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm!
Cyborg Pi-15 sticks the kelotane-epinephrine-patch to Oddball Stroble's arm.
Oddball Stroble says, "fatborg has owned me"

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