02-05-2014, 02:09 PM
Hi , I quite enjoy using the computers on the server mainly because they can do so many things , however I do believe this is limited mainly to the fact that the updates to them halted. I think they should have an overhall and turn the room by qm (filled with the crates) into a server and IT room filled with computers , basically it crowd office. Bring in a new job that handles building and managing the server and also allow computers to do much more , for instance , the radios they are connected to (PNET_RADIO) should be usable to send files along the main chat and pda , they should (with a bit of hacking) be able to control airlocks and APCS (with extra things in place to block users from doing this to armoury head offices etc.) maybe even airbridges and the engine room. There is so much room for expansion and currently its only used by one department , the artifacts lab and they barely do anything with it, the amount of stuff it could be used for and the fact it could add a whole new dimension to the game is what makes it brilliant. I would love it if this idea could be considered and even developed further!