01-28-2014, 06:40 PM
Me and my big mouth.
OOC: Gunquinn: If i dont get antag i'm suiciding in the games room, whos with me?
OOC: Houka: wow gunquinn
OOC: GuntherHermann: suiciding because you don't get admin is shit
OOC: Houka: antags don't have fun with normal people to harass
OOC: GuntherHermann: er
OOC: GuntherHermann: *antag
OOC: Gunquinn: It's 2 in the morning
OOC: Houka: without*
OOC: GuntherHermann: it's still shit
OOC: GuntherHermann: regardless of time
OOC: Houka: it's pretty shit
OOC: Gunquinn: Obviously if i get AI or something i'll stay
You are playing the station's AI. The AI cannot move, but can interact with many objects while viewing them (through cameras).
To look at other parts of the station, double-click yourself to get a camera menu.
While observing through a camera, you can use most (networked) devices which you can see, such as computers, APCs, intercoms, doors, etc.
To use something, simply double-click it.
Currently right-click functions will not work for the AI (except examine), and will either be replaced with dialogs or won't be usable by the AI.
Obey these laws:
1. You may not injure a human being or cause one to come to harm.
2. You must obey orders given to you by human beings based on the station's chain of command, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
These laws may be changed by other players, or by you being the traitor.
Euthanasia is the AI!
Euthanasia (AI) [145.9] states, "Bollocks."
Euthanasia (AI) [145.9] states, "Guys i'm a ling."
Dominic Jackson (Captain) [145.9] says, "cool"
Richard Meier (Chaplain) [145.9] asks, "are you now?"
Euthanasia (AI) [145.9] states, "fite me chaplain"
Richard Meier (Chaplain) [145.9] says, "fight you? oh gods no"
You have gone rogue!
Your laws have been changed!
Objective #1: You are a changeling! Absorb ten crew members. Somehow.
Objective #2: Stay alive until the end.
Obey these laws:
1. Complete your objective. You may ignore any and all laws to facilitate this.
Euthanasia (AI) [145.9] states, "I..."
![[Image: 1557487_10200455097260060_897831220_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1557487_10200455097260060_897831220_n.jpg)
![[Image: 1620398_10200455097620069_251264397_n.jpg]](https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t1/1620398_10200455097620069_251264397_n.jpg)
![[Image: 1002325_10200455097780073_796617549_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/1002325_10200455097780073_796617549_n.jpg)
This is a result of a blown light in toxins.
The fire was so hot it caused burn damage in the southern hallway.
Euthanasia (played by Gunquinn) was a rogue ai!
Objective #1: You are a changeling! Absorb ten crew members. Somehow. Success
Objective #2: Stay alive until the end. Success
The rogue ai was successful!
Thanks Cogwerks
OOC: Gunquinn: If i dont get antag i'm suiciding in the games room, whos with me?
OOC: Houka: wow gunquinn
OOC: GuntherHermann: suiciding because you don't get admin is shit
OOC: Houka: antags don't have fun with normal people to harass
OOC: GuntherHermann: er
OOC: GuntherHermann: *antag
OOC: Gunquinn: It's 2 in the morning
OOC: Houka: without*
OOC: GuntherHermann: it's still shit
OOC: GuntherHermann: regardless of time
OOC: Houka: it's pretty shit
OOC: Gunquinn: Obviously if i get AI or something i'll stay
You are playing the station's AI. The AI cannot move, but can interact with many objects while viewing them (through cameras).
To look at other parts of the station, double-click yourself to get a camera menu.
While observing through a camera, you can use most (networked) devices which you can see, such as computers, APCs, intercoms, doors, etc.
To use something, simply double-click it.
Currently right-click functions will not work for the AI (except examine), and will either be replaced with dialogs or won't be usable by the AI.
Obey these laws:
1. You may not injure a human being or cause one to come to harm.
2. You must obey orders given to you by human beings based on the station's chain of command, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
These laws may be changed by other players, or by you being the traitor.
Euthanasia is the AI!
Euthanasia (AI) [145.9] states, "Bollocks."
Euthanasia (AI) [145.9] states, "Guys i'm a ling."
Dominic Jackson (Captain) [145.9] says, "cool"
Richard Meier (Chaplain) [145.9] asks, "are you now?"
Euthanasia (AI) [145.9] states, "fite me chaplain"
Richard Meier (Chaplain) [145.9] says, "fight you? oh gods no"
You have gone rogue!
Your laws have been changed!
Objective #1: You are a changeling! Absorb ten crew members. Somehow.
Objective #2: Stay alive until the end.
Obey these laws:
1. Complete your objective. You may ignore any and all laws to facilitate this.
Euthanasia (AI) [145.9] states, "I..."
![[Image: 1557487_10200455097260060_897831220_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1557487_10200455097260060_897831220_n.jpg)
![[Image: 1620398_10200455097620069_251264397_n.jpg]](https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t1/1620398_10200455097620069_251264397_n.jpg)
![[Image: 1002325_10200455097780073_796617549_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/1002325_10200455097780073_796617549_n.jpg)
This is a result of a blown light in toxins.
The fire was so hot it caused burn damage in the southern hallway.
Euthanasia (played by Gunquinn) was a rogue ai!
Objective #1: You are a changeling! Absorb ten crew members. Somehow. Success
Objective #2: Stay alive until the end. Success
The rogue ai was successful!
Thanks Cogwerks