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Antagonist Idea - Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Yes I definitely agree that they would need another downside. Considering their goal is to make as many of them as possible, individually they shouldn't be that tough. Maybe something plant-oriented, depending on how tricky it would be to implement:
-perhaps they use light sources as energy (charging it passively similar to borgs by being in a lit room) and lose energy steadily when in the dark, running out of energy causes them to become dead or paralyzed
-maybe weedkiller acts like sarin on them
-meat from gibbing them is soylent chartruse
-or maybe instead of charging on light they recharge in their pods like borgs, and are stuck in the pod until they are recharged at which point they are ejected with a loud splat
-perhaps their limbs are easy to sever by plant cutting tools like chainsaws or wirecutters

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