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Best moments ever thread 2.0
I decided to break the routine of Genetics by being the Clown for a round. This was a mistake. I was lured into medbay on the pretense of having my balance issues fixed. I was then kidnapped and subjected to psychological torture in Pathology.

Air Jordan asks, "Do you want your mutation taken off?"
Air Jordan: Do you want your mutation taken off?
You begin to recover.
Air Jordan has grabbed Elliott Dalton passively!
Air Jordan attempts to force Elliott Dalton to swallow the mutadone pill.
Air Jordan forces Elliott Dalton to swallow the mutadone pill.
You feel well co-ordinated again.
Air Jordan has added Syringe to the medical belt!
Air Jordan is trying to inject Elliott Dalton!
Elliott Dalton [145.9] says, "Oh yeah, time to.... clown around"
Elliott Dalton says, "Oh yeah, time to.... clown around"
Air Jordan is trying to inject Elliott Dalton!
Air Jordan is trying to inject Elliott Dalton!
Air Jordan injects Elliott Dalton with the syringe!
You suddenly feel invigorated and guilty...
Air Jordan is trying to inject Elliott Dalton!
Air Jordan injects Elliott Dalton with the syringe!
You feel slightly better, but for how long?
Air Jordan is trying to inject Elliott Dalton!
Air Jordan injects Elliott Dalton with the syringe!
You feel slightly better, but for how long?
Elliott Dalton yawns.
Air Jordan injects Elliott Dalton with the syringe!
You frostburn yourself trying to consume the freezing cold substance!
Air Jordan has added Syringe to the medical belt!
Elliott Dalton says, "Whar"
Elliott Dalton says, "whaaat"
Air Jordan asks, "Hmm?"
Elliott Dalton yawns.
Elliott Dalton says, "You slipped me something"
Air Jordan says, "Mutadone"
Elliott Dalton says, "The injections"
Air Jordan says, "It might cause blindness for a few seconds"
Elliott Dalton says, "Aw shit"
Air Jordan fires Tranquilizer Rifle at the floor!
You are hit by the dart!
You start bleeding!
Air Jordan fires Tranquilizer Rifle at the floor!
You are hit by the dart!
Air Jordan fires Tranquilizer Rifle at the floor!
You are hit by the dart!
Air Jordan fires Tranquilizer Rifle at the floor!
You are hit by the dart!
Elliott Dalton says, "HEy"
Air Jordan has added Tranquilizer Rifle to the backpack!
Air Jordan says, "Shh"
Elliott Dalton throws Banana Peel.
Air Jordan has been hit by Banana Peel.
Air Jordan says, "Clown"
Air Jordan says, "It's ok"
Air Jordan says, "Just lay down"
Elliott Dalton drools.
Elliott Dalton drools.
... You can almost hear something ...
You begin to recover.
Air Jordan is trying to put a muzzle on Elliott Dalton
You're restrained! You can't move!
Elliott Dalton drools.
Elliott Dalton twitches violently.
Air Jordan is trying to put a muzzle on Elliott Dalton
You're restrained! You can't move!
You're restrained! You can't move!
Air Jordan says, "It's ok clown"
You're restrained! You can't move!
Elliott Dalton shivers.
You're restrained! You can't move!
You're restrained! You can't move!"
You're restrained! You can't move!
Air Jordan attempts to force Elliott Dalton to swallow the mannitol pill.
Air Jordan forces Elliott Dalton to swallow the mannitol pill.
You're restrained! You can't move!
Elliott Dalton drools.
Elliott Dalton shivers.
You're restrained! You can't move!
Elliott Dalton is buckled in by Air Jordan.
Elliott Dalton shivers.
Elliott Dalton is unbuckled by Air Jordan.
Elliott Dalton drools.
Elliott Dalton drools.
Elliott Dalton twitches violently.
Air Jordan is trying to take off Elliott Dalton's ID Card (Clown) from Elliott Dalton's uniform!
Air Jordan is trying to take off a backpack from Elliott Dalton's back!
Air Jordan is trying to take off a straight jacket from Elliott Dalton's body!
Air Jordan folds the chair.
Elliott Dalton twitches violently.
Elliott Dalton twitches violently.
Your muzzle prevents you from speaking.
You begin to recover.
You begin craving morphine!
You begin to recover.
... You can almost hear something ...
You begin to recover.
You're restrained! You can't move!
Air Jordan says, "Do you understand"
You have the strong urge for some morphine!
Air Jordan says, "the need for the cure for clowning"
You have the strong urge for some morphine!
Your muzzle prevents you from speaking.
Air Jordan says, "I will do it"
You're restrained! You can't move!
Elliott Dalton twitches.
You stumble and fall to the ground. Thankfully, that hat protected you.
You begin to recover.
Elliott Dalton drools.
Air Jordan is trying to take off a clown suit from Elliott Dalton's body!
Air Jordan is trying to take off the PDA-Elliott Dalton from Elliott Dalton's belt!
Air Jordan is trying to take off the the clown shoes from Elliott Dalton's feet!
Air Jordan is trying to take off the Apprentice's Cap from Elliott Dalton's head!
Air Jordan is trying to take off the Boxing Gloves from Elliott Dalton's hands!
Air Jordan is trying to take off a muzzle from Elliott Dalton's head!
Elliott Dalton screams!
Elliott Dalton drools.
Elliott Dalton screams!
Air Jordan is trying to put a muzzle on Elliott Dalton
Elliott Dalton drools.
Elliott Dalton exclaims, "Help, this guy's insane!"
You're restrained! You can't move!
You begin to recover.
Air Jordan says, "Clown"
Air Jordan says, "When I say Honk"
Unknown twitches.
Air Jordan says, "You will cry"
Air Jordan says, "ok"
You REALLY crave some morphine!
Air Jordan says, "Honk"
Air Jordan punches Unknown!
You have been protected from a hit to the chest.
You REALLY crave some morphine!
Air Jordan says, "I said cry"
Air Jordan punches Unknown!
You have been protected from a hit to the chest.
Air Jordan says, "You will not clown"
You begin to recover.
Air Jordan attempts to force Unknown to swallow the mannitol pill.
Air Jordan forces Unknown to swallow the mannitol pill.
Unknown drools.
Air Jordan has analyzed Unknown's vitals!
You feel like you can't live without morphine!
Unknown drools.
Unknown tries to make a noise.
You no longer feel reliant on morphine!
Air Jordan says, "Now clown"
Unknown drools.
Air Jordan says, "Do you understand"
Unknown makes an odd noise. A tear runs down his face.
Air Jordan says, "Good"
Air Jordan says, "good..."
Unknown flinches.
Air Jordan says, "I will cure you"
Air Jordan has analyzed Unknown's vitals!
Unknown tries to move his arm.
Air Jordan has grabbed Unknown passively!
Air Jordan says, "Hello friend"
Air Jordan: Hello friend
Air Jordan says, "What do you need"
Air Jordan: What do you need
Unknown starts writhing around in manic terror!
Air Jordan says, "I can't hear you"
Air Jordan: I can't hear you
Your muzzle prevents you from speaking.
Air Jordan says, "Hello"
Air Jordan: Hello
Air Jordan says, "I am curing the clown disorder"
Air Jordan: I am curing the clown disorder
You begin to recover.
Unknown makes a very loud noise.
Unknown starts writhing around in manic terror!
Air Jordan says, "Now clown"
You're restrained! You can't move!
You're restrained! You can't move!
Air Jordan says, "Do you understand"
Air Jordan asks, "Why I do this?"
Unknown tries to make a noise.
Air Jordan says, "It's because of honk"
Unknown makes an odd noise. A tear runs down his face.
Air Jordan asks, "Does that sound good to you?"
Air Jordan says, "Nod if yes"
Air Jordan says, "Shake head if no"
Unknown tries to make a noise.
Air Jordan punches Unknown!
You have been protected from a hit to the chest.
Unknown shakes his ass!
Air Jordan says, "I said NOD"
Air Jordan punches Unknown!
You have been protected from a hit to the chest.
Air Jordan says, "Clown"
Unknown hangs his head in shame.
Air Jordan says, "you know"
Air Jordan says, "I'm doing this for your own good"
Air Jordan attempts to force Unknown to drink from Space Beer.
Air Jordan attempts to force Unknown to drink from Space Beer.
Air Jordan attempts to force Unknown to drink from Space Beer.
Air Jordan makes Unknown drink from the Space Beer.
Air Jordan attempts to force Unknown to drink from Space Beer.
Air Jordan makes Unknown drink from the Space Beer.
Air Jordan attempts to force Unknown to drink from Space Beer.
Air Jordan makes Unknown drink from the Space Beer.
Air Jordan attempts to force Unknown to drink from Space Beer.
Air Jordan makes Unknown drink from the Space Beer.
Air Jordan makes Unknown drink from the Space Beer.
Air Jordan says, "Now let's have a talk"
Air Jordan says, "I'm going to take off your muzzle"
Air Jordan says, "and when I do"
Your muzzle prevents you from speaking.
Air Jordan says, "I want you to tell me how much you hate clowning"
You're restrained! You can't move!
Unknown is buckled in by Air Jordan.
You're restrained! You can't move!
Air Jordan is trying to take off a muzzle from Unknown's head!
Air Jordan says, "Tell me"
Elliott Dalton says, "I hate clowning so much i want eat all the food in the bar"
Elliott Dalton says, "all the killer cakes"
Air Jordan says, "Better"
Air Jordan is trying to put a muzzle on Elliott Dalton
Unknown is unbuckled by Air Jordan.
You're restrained! You can't move!
Air Jordan says, "Now clown"
Air Jordan says, "I like to consider myself a good person"
Air Jordan asks, "you know?"
Air Jordan is trying to stick the patch to Unknown's arm!
Air Jordan sticks the patch to Unknown's arm.
You're restrained! You can't move!
Air Jordan says, "I have cured the physical side of clowning"
Air Jordan says, "But the mental side"
Air Jordan says, "Has yet to be touched"
Air Jordan asks, "Do you understand?"
Air Jordan has grabbed Unknown passively!
Unknown has been laid on the operating table by Air Jordan.
Air Jordan has grabbed Unknown passively!
Unknown has been laid on the operating table by Air Jordan.
Unknown tries to say something clever, but just can't pull it off looking like that.
Air Jordan says, "Clown"
Air Jordan is trying to take off a muzzle from Unknown's head!
Unknown tries to say something clever, but just can't pull it off looking like that.
Air Jordan says, "If I were to let you go"
Elliott Dalton screams!
Air Jordan has grabbed Elliott Dalton passively!
Air Jordan attacks Elliott Dalton in the chest with the staple gun!
Elliott Dalton screams!
Air Jordan attacks Elliott Dalton in the chest with the staple gun!
Elliott Dalton has been knocked down!
Air Jordan has grabbed Elliott Dalton passively!
Elliott Dalton has been laid on the operating table by Air Jordan.
Air Jordan says, "Clown"
Air Jordan says, "No screaming allowed"
Elliott Dalton farted! It smells like something died.
Air Jordan says, "This is rehiblitation"
You are resting. Click 'rest' to toggle back to stand.
Air Jordan says, "For your serious disease"
Elliott Dalton goes pale for a second.
Air Jordan has grabbed Elliott Dalton passively!
Elliott Dalton has been laid on the operating table by Air Jordan.
Air Jordan says, "Now"
Air Jordan says, "I want you to tell me"
Air Jordan says, "What you would do"
Air Jordan says, "If I let you go"
Elliott Dalton asks, "Burn my clown gear?"
Air Jordan has grabbed Elliott Dalton passively!
Elliott Dalton has been laid on the operating table by Air Jordan.
Air Jordan says, "Now I can tell when you are lying clown".
Elliott Dalton cries.
Air Jordan says, "Now clown"
Air Jordan says, "I want to hear what you feel about me"
Elliott Dalton twitches.
Elliott Dalton says, "I'd say you're a pretty misunderstood guy"
Air Jordan says, "Of course"
Air Jordan has added Banana Peel to the backpack!
Air Jordan has added PDA-Elliott Dalton to the backpack!
Elliott Dalton is buckled in by Air Jordan.
Air Jordan says, "But clown"
Air Jordan says, "you understand"
Air Jordan says, "Why I can't let you go"
Air Jordan says, "right"
Elliott Dalton says, "I've got a good idea"
Air Jordan says, "What is it"
Air Jordan has added the ammo-tranq to the backpack!
Elliott Dalton says, "You can't let me go because you'd think i'd spread my filthy clown disease"
Air Jordan has added Tranquilizer Rifle to the backpack!
Air Jordan says, "Of COURSE"
Air Jordan says, "Now"
Air Jordan says, "I couldn't let that happen"
Air Jordan says, "For the good of society"
Air Jordan says, "Now you see"
Air Jordan says, "I've been chosen by GOD"
Air Jordan says, "To rid this world of clowns"
Air Jordan asks, "Don't you agree?"
Elliott Dalton says, "Sounds about right"
Air Jordan says, "Mhm"
Air Jordan says, "And clown"
Elliott Dalton says, "All that walking around and honking, what was i thinking"
Air Jordan says, "You also understand"
Air Jordan says, "you can't leave this station alive"
Elliott Dalton says, "what"
Elliott Dalton screams!
You are resting. Click 'rest' to toggle back to stand.
Elliott Dalton starts writhing around in manic terror!
Air Jordan says, "that was a test"
Air Jordan says, "You failed clown."
Air Jordan is trying to put a muzzle on Elliott Dalton
Air Jordan says, "Now I'm gonna leave you here"
Air Jordan says, "Ok"
Air Jordan says, "And I'm gonna come back"
Air Jordan says, "When I do"
Air Jordan says, "I want you to tell me everything about why clowns are bad people"
Unknown tries to make a noise.
Air Jordan is trying to take off a muzzle from Unknown's head!
Air Jordan asks, "Do you have something to say?"
Elliott Dalton says, "Cl..fuck clowns"
Air Jordan says, "Mhm"
Elliott Dalton says, "I should've been a janitor"
Air Jordan says, "Thats pretty good"
Air Jordan says, "Now let me get your reward"
Air Jordan attempts to force Elliott Dalton to drink from Space Beer.
Air Jordan attempts to force Elliott Dalton to drink from Space Beer.
Air Jordan attempts to force Elliott Dalton to drink from Space Beer.
Air Jordan makes Elliott Dalton drink from the Space Beer.
Air Jordan makes Elliott Dalton drink from the Space Beer.
Air Jordan makes Elliott Dalton drink from the Space Beer.
Air Jordan has added Space Beer to the backpack!
Air Jordan asks, "Now don't you feel good?"
Elliott Dalton says, "bwuihahh i feel great"
Air Jordan says, "I have come to a conclusion"
Air Jordan says, "Don't you know"
Air Jordan says, "That the only way to cure the clown disease"
Air Jordan says, "is by turning them into monkeys"
Elliott Dalton says, "Well that's a neat way of looking at it"
Air Jordan says, "But you see, because you are my only test subject"
Air Jordan says, "I can't let you be cured"
Air Jordan is trying to put a muzzle on Elliott Dalton
Air Jordan says, "I'll be right back now"

I died shortly after in a medbay bombing.

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