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Yer a wizard harry
This thread isn't about adding in new spells, but really looking at the wizard spells as they are now and how to balance them. Consider any spell I haven't mentioned as balanced. The following are my humble opinion:
Clairevoyance: balanced. Could do with adding staffs to the list of things you can find. That would be rad.
Blind: somewhat balanced. Blind has a quick recharge, and is intended as a quick defensive spell but it has a big list to select from when you use it. It would work 10x better if when you select it, it blinds the next person you click.
Fireball: Many a thread suggested this would work better as a staff.
Warp: somewhat balanced. See: blind
Shockwave: this would be more interesting as a staff. Hitting a person will send them flying as if they were hit by an abomination, whilst hitting the ground beneath acts like spell (has a charge) "you shall not pass!"
Knock: balanced. Although it could do with an effect of damaging bots
Empower: the only people who choose this spell are people who don't know what it is, or they know exactly what it is, and abuse the fuck out of it. Let's change empower competely, instead of all this hulk and tk, let it work as a spell that allows the user to use spells without a staff for a short period of time.
Animate dead: now the golems weaker brother. Skeletons could throw bones every while, causing the user to bleed.
Dopellganger: this spell is useless. Let's change it entirely. Have it work so you can take the appearence of a station employee for 30 seconds, similar to vamp. Combine with empower for max gain.
Staff of Cthulhu: corruption ritual is redundant so this could do with a buff somehow. Increase damage + brain damage. Throwing it at someone should do some serious damage, should have the effect as an asteroid in that it can be flung through Walls.

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