01-21-2014, 12:19 AM
You know the whole "good news, bad news" thing? Well, I have bad news and extremely bad news.
The bad news: Remember when we said we'd built the new station out of some newly discovered material that was completely stable and fireproof?
Turns out the researcher in charge forgot a minus sign somewhere. It's actually highly UNstable and burns very easily. It also gives off some kind of toxic gas when it burns.
The extremely bad news: the new firedoors we installed are made of another material purported to be even more stable than the other one.
Same researcher. Turns out this one explodes.
So, that's your safety update for this shift: There isn't any.
Anyway, we need to modify the shuttle to not detonate the whole station with its engines when it shows up, so it'll be at least an hour. Sit tight, and if I were you, I'd quit smoking in a hurry."
the gimmick: everything: walls, glass, floors, items, whatever will light off the tiniest spark. Firedoors will explode into nasty shrapnel on contact with fire. Burning objects will give off chemical smoke containing, I don't know, something nasty but not outrageous. Cyanide, maybe. This will be announced pretty quickly.
The idea is to put everyone in what is essentially disaster mode, except all of the horrible, deadly problems that occur will essentially be the crew's own fault. All they have to do is not be a bunch of pyromaniacs and try to not break anything, and everything will be okay.
Just in case they actually manage to not set things on fire, throw in one hardmode traitor. His equipment: 1 cakehat.
You know the whole "good news, bad news" thing? Well, I have bad news and extremely bad news.
The bad news: Remember when we said we'd built the new station out of some newly discovered material that was completely stable and fireproof?
Turns out the researcher in charge forgot a minus sign somewhere. It's actually highly UNstable and burns very easily. It also gives off some kind of toxic gas when it burns.
The extremely bad news: the new firedoors we installed are made of another material purported to be even more stable than the other one.
Same researcher. Turns out this one explodes.
So, that's your safety update for this shift: There isn't any.
Anyway, we need to modify the shuttle to not detonate the whole station with its engines when it shows up, so it'll be at least an hour. Sit tight, and if I were you, I'd quit smoking in a hurry."
the gimmick: everything: walls, glass, floors, items, whatever will light off the tiniest spark. Firedoors will explode into nasty shrapnel on contact with fire. Burning objects will give off chemical smoke containing, I don't know, something nasty but not outrageous. Cyanide, maybe. This will be announced pretty quickly.
The idea is to put everyone in what is essentially disaster mode, except all of the horrible, deadly problems that occur will essentially be the crew's own fault. All they have to do is not be a bunch of pyromaniacs and try to not break anything, and everything will be okay.
Just in case they actually manage to not set things on fire, throw in one hardmode traitor. His equipment: 1 cakehat.