Triggerhappypilot (Sigmund Droid) HOS/Mentor application
Usual Character Name: Sigmund Droid
BYOND Username: Triggerhappypilot
Recommended by (if applicable):
Times Available: Weekday Evenings on and off, Weekend afternoons and evenings.

Reason for Application (300 word minimum):
This station needs a new kind of security force. The kind that won't let its own incompetence stand in the way of justice and security. The kind that will take deliberate and decisive action to prevent crimes before they happen.

Alright, silly motive rant aside, the security force does seem to be rather lacking lately- It seems to be far more common that a vigilante will incapacitate traitors/miscreants/ne'er-do-wells and leave them for dead (or at least crippled) instead of security investigating, pursuing, and punishing these criminals. I think that's partly as a result of obsolete security systems, partly the fault of the crew, and partly the fault of security players themselves. Naturally, I can't expect to have much impact in the former two categories, but I think a good HOS can increase the effectiveness of the actual security force. Right now, I think most players who play security fear punishment from admin supervision, and therefore tend to play overly cautious. As an experienced player, the HOS has enough knowledge of game etiquette to know what is and isn't an appropriate response to the situation- e.g. Stunning someone for repeatedly trying to break in to Botany is fine, but knocking them out and giving them a 5-minute sentence in the brig is a little overkill. Of course, this doesn't guarantee a competent response- merely an appropriate one. And as we all know, an incompetent security force can be pretty funny.

Mostly, though, I'm applying for the Mentor position because I've been playing the game since 2008 and I know quite a bit about the mechanics of the game- especially the older, more obscure systems which haven't been updated in a while (Like the DWAINE terminals in science). There seems to have been an influx of newer players lately, so I think having more Mentors around would be helpful- SS13 is at it's best when players use weird mechanics in hilarious ways. I've played the game for far too long to worry about metagamey things like winning or losing a round- I just think the game should be about creating funny situations.

Security Experience (300 word minimum):
Really, I haven't played security all too often lately- mostly because I've switched back to doing (mostly) randomized jobs. When I did play it more often, I typically focused on finding and ticketing as many violations as physically possible. I rarely went beyond stunning people and throwing a ticket at them unless they pulled a traitor weapon or fire extinguisher on me- and even then, I've never (well, In the past two years at least) beaten someone to death unless they were a changeling/wizard and my life was in mortal danger. I'm thinking about setting it as a higher-priority job given the recent apparent weakness of security. However, I do play Captain quite often, and while the Captain isn't security per se, he's still important to keeping order on the station. I usually make it a point to visit most of the departments every round to make sure everyone's doing well and nobody's up to no good. Usually. On occasion, I deliberately play as the most incompetent captain possible without spacing myself.

Since I'm also applying for the Mentor position, I figure I should mention my other gameplay experience. I'm very familiar with the new genetics system, artifact research, botany, mining and medical doctoring. However I've played every job on the station many times, so I know enough to get by in practically any job/antagonist role with the exception of vampire (which for some reason I've only ever had one round in). I try to involve others in my zany schemes- see the post about "Operation McTroska" in the PGS thread on Something Awful for an example. (I've not yet been able to successfully pull it off, but I came close several times.) People seem to have fun playing along, So I think it's a success even if I jumped into a deep-fryer right before my accomplice got busted by security. The plan may not have worked, but his microbomb sure did.

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc):
The current security system is a great place to hold criminals- the real issue with its low usage is that it's difficult to actually process criminals into the system. The security records system hasn't been updated in years, and it's a lot of work to drag a criminal to the brig. Ideally what could happen is more automation of the system- security could issue warrants on criminals for briggable offenses, apprehend them, stick the warrant on them like a shipping label, throw them onto belt-hell (or a modified disposal pipe) and have them delivered to a pre-timed cell which would let them out when their term expired. Additionally, the fingerprint scanner could be linked directly to the security computer so that an investigating officer or detective could scan a fingerprint, print a warrant, and go after criminals using his PDA. Doing so gives an incentive to hack or modify the security records, and could even be used by enterprising traitors as a way of framing other crew-members.

In short, the brig is under-used not because it's too easy to get out but because it's too hard to get in.

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum): Shrek is a postmodernist take on the classical hero's journey, overturning and parodying classical fairy tale cliches while at the same time satirizing the surface-oriented modern society. As a result, it is Dreck.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): I was permabanned once in 2009(?) for tunneling into the brand new robotics room and killing someone after they tried to knock me down. I appealed it about a year later and haven't been banned since (unless there's a short temporary ban that I can't remember.)

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