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The Command Pod Hanger
I like sundances ideas.

It's already more convenient to do a tiny amount of prep work and break a hole into the bathroom or turn it into a reinforced false wall.

Turning it into a false wall has the advantage that security won't figure it out until it's too late.

If you plan on being arrested, or breaking someone out, turning the bathroom wall into a reinforced false wall is both kinda smart, and funny.

You could probably even smuggle funny things into brig, like zip guns or a flamethrower. Break the windows to trigger the tripwire alarms, then take security by surprise. Or just sell drugs in brig without telling security how you got in. Do some kinda dumb things like buy a few monkey/bee crates and then release them in brig. Act like you have no idea why genpop was turned into a zoo.

Now that I think about it, there are a lot of funny creative things you could do with genpop if you try hard enough not to get caught by security. Or have someone distracting the detective.

Also do pods have a siren? I think a pod with flashing lights and red paint would be funny.

You could have one guy man the speaker while the other drives.


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