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The Command Pod Hanger
Hey look, another post from the guy that has nothing better to do. Someone might just want to rename this topic page to "Dumb crap McDogles thought of during his off time", because i'm going a tad far away from the original topic here.
Anyway, another suggestion of mine is that we should add the recipe for silicate to the chemistry wiki page, so that people might actually make the damn stuff and help the station. For those of you who don't know what silicate is (Probably because no one ever makes it), it strengthens windows when it is applied to them. It is best used with smoke powder to get more then one damn window at once. Silicate can be applied to windows four times, making the window stronger each time, to the point where a non-reinforced window that has had silicate applied to it four times is almost as strong as a crystal window. Also, silicated windows look fairly cool.
Another thing is that I think that a few key areas on the station should start with silicated windows, such as the brig, so that I don't have to keep taking away prisoner's shoes every time they try to break through the glass with them.

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