01-14-2014, 09:17 PM
rulib Wrote:Spy_Guy Wrote:hatmadder Wrote:As of late, I've found myself playing as an engineer of the CE, mostly to learn the and fiddle with the engine, and in doing so I began to think of an addition to the hot loop room that might be nice to have.
I was thinking that we could put a screen up on the wall that constantly displays the generators electrical out put so we don't have to go back and forth and alt+click on the engine to see what its levels are. I'm thinking it could just be something like the ore monitor on the mining station. Maybe even have one outside of engineering so that passers by can be amazed at the skill of some of our engineers, and the burning failure of others.
There are two of these computers in Engineering Control. One of them in the control room itself by the door, and one of them in the power room next to the APC monitoring computer.
I think this guy means like an an actual wallscreen that you don't have to interact with to see, like in Mining for ore. That'd be really neat!
yeah that's what i mean. Put one in the main hallway so people can be amazed at numbers they don't quite understand.
Im also thinking have it display the current energy output, and the temperature as well. Really, i think it would just be another neat little visual thing on the station is all.