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Genetics Graphical Weirdness
So unless this has been miraculously fixed in the last day or two, there's still some problems with genetics sprites.

First of all, and maybe this isn't even an issue, but when people get cloned, I've been noticing their limbs all seem colored differently from their bodies. It's mostly noticeable with anyone with a darker skin color anyway, where their body seems normal but their arms and legs are darker. Not a pressing concern but maybe it contributes to some other problem somewhere, who knows. These things seem to branch out pretty easily.

More important than that, though, is that none of the Genetics powers seem to be showing up. Chameleon and Cloak of Darkness are the only ones that have a visible effect anymore, it seems (Hulk might work but I haven't gotten it in a while, I'm not sure). This is a pretty big deal, since the only way to know someone is a flame/cold/electric resistant TK horned monster is through their sprite. None of those powers show up on the sprite anymore though. I sincerely doubt this was a deliberate thing, since horns are pretty much purely aesthetic in the first place.

It's also one of the better ways for someone to keep track of what powers they've actually got activated, because they don't show up on the abilities list. But it's more important that other people can see you and know you're a mutant monster so they can stop you if you go crazy. Also, it looks awesome. I mean, horns, cmon. That's literally the best mutation.

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