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Deadman Switch Vest
mozi Wrote:Well the downside of this is that people can use it to be shitty suicide bombers since they can fit the assembly into their backpack. So the moment people hear about a changeling or vampire they load up on a napalm mix to kill the guy eating them. That would suck.

Tank transfer valves can't be concealed on your person so, either the deadman switch holder is holding it (very obvious) or has hidden it away somewhere (so it isn't specifically directed at whoever killed you). So I like that.

Ahh, I see the problem here. I misread the initial post, I thought it was suggested as a traitor item. In which case, you can already inject yourself with ten microbombs, and go find a changeling to eat you, so there wouldn't be much difference.

If it is implemented as an actual assembly, I can see how that might be a bit overpowered. If it is a traitor item, though, I think it would only be fair to let it work on beaker bombs as well.

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