01-09-2014, 01:29 AM
bubs Wrote:It's like that louis CK bit where he gets upset because someone calls him a Cracker. "Oop, ruined my day. Takes me back to owning land and people". It's fucking absurd.Firstly, Louis CK is the same guy who people use as an argument for why they should be allowed to say "Faggot" with the excuse that they didn't mean it that way. In fact, here's the link to that bit of his: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fcja4WFFzDw (You'll find this was actually used by somebody who I believe is still banned's appeal because they were trying to argue that that's not what they meant.
The no ironic racism rule refers to people saying things that are ACTUALLY RACIST or offensive but doing so in an ironic way. This is just silliness and fucking baffling.
Secondly, you can't just say "Well being bigoted ironically toward this one group is okay because it's not actually being bigoted". The definition doesn't include the idea that bigotry isn't actually bigotry if it's targeted at somebody who is the majority. That's like saying it Apartheid wasn't racist because there were more black people in Africa than whites, so they were the majority. That's not how it works.