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BlackrayJack and Bubs, LLJK#2, January 9th
I can't believe I have to explain this.

It's the same thing as if someone called me a honky. Yes, it's a racial comment. Yes, it's IRONIC RACISM (he doesnt actually think less of me because im white, arki doesnt actually think straight people cause the lag). And yet nobody gives a fuck because white people aren't an oppressed group with a history of abuse and shitty behavior towards them.

It's like that louis CK bit where he gets upset because someone calls him a Cracker. "Oop, ruined my day. Takes me back to owning land and people". It's fucking absurd.

The no ironic racism rule refers to people saying things that are ACTUALLY RACIST or offensive but doing so in an ironic way. This is just silliness and fucking baffling.

also: anyone who is going to be encouraged to be actually racist or homophobic because of this is a dumbass anyway and I'd rather them out themselves as idiots now by saying dumb shit than let it happen later.

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