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Spy Mode: What's Wrong and How to Fix It
From the other thread:
Quote:What you suggested is essentially spy, with the objective of killing heads/security instead.
The problem with spy and rev imho was:
1) Being able to FORCE people to join your team
Flashing was lame as shit because it just became a numbers race, and people didn't resist because becoming a rev was fun. Multi-use implanters are still lame because it's still a numbers race, you're still going to scope out the better players, encroaching on the meta ground.
The fix: No flash, no implanter. Your team-mates are out there, but you gotta find them. There's this thing on other servers that would work perfectly for finding your team-mates, and requires no coding. Word association. You are given the words a random collection of words like: "Toilet, Clown, Beepsky" and so are your team-mates. There's no team leader. Can you imagine the hilarious paranoia of being a spy and trying to find you team-mates by instigating conversation:
Spy team red #1: "Hey, there's a clown in the toilet being stunned by beepsky, I have some of his stuff to sell, if you want it?"
Enemy spy team blue: "What, why would I want a clown's shit?"
Spy team red #2: "Hey man, I'll buy some of the clowns stuff, yeah"
Enemy spy starts to get suspicious and tries to murder spy team red #1 but backfires when #2 reveals his side and kills him.

2: Telecrystals
Compare with the nuke ops: They are armed to the teeth, but there's only 5 of them and the entire station is against them.
Spy/rev: Completely unbalanced, even if the team leader is the only one with telecrystals. It's not the amount of telecrystals, it's the amount of players that use them.
The fix: No telecrystals. You start off with an agent card in your pocket, and that's it. You want some cool gadgets? Make them or go and buy them, your agent card can get you some cool stuff.

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