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Replace Spy with Gang in Secret Rotation
I would support just fixing spy instead but that may be impossible since you have to change players' attitudes towards it, and tell them to at least TRY to be a spy, use stealth, etc.

What I was thinking was adding a points system, in which killing spymasters/spies/completing objectives would grant you points, while killing civilians would subtract points. So say spy group A wipes out spy group B, losing two guys in the process and killing ~5-10 civilians in the crossfire, while group B kills no civilians yet takes out the other 2 spies, group B wins. Reason being the syndicate is looking for spy dudes that can solid snake that shit when told to instead of being a group of loud retards, group A doesn't get the job. Of course this might not work for many reasons, just an idea.

Also can you still order a belt as a spy? That shit just doesn't make sense.

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