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Improve engine effects beyond 4MW?
Clarks Wrote:When the engine is REALLY hot
  • Lights every once in a while could pop or flash everyone in range.
  • SMES could discharge EMPs, or have their magnets go haywire and start pulling in everything that is not bolted down.
    It would be cooler if they foamed battery acid, but electromagnetic storage is apparently the future, EH.
  • Fabricators working at max speed could work so fast they spit out objects on fire.
  • Overloaded cloning could spits out half-baked dudes ready to gib. Or grow so much extra tissue that living walls make a comeback.
  • Pulsing the electrification wire on a vendor would make it discharge so hard it tips.
  • Terminals could sparkle every so often. A terrorist traitor could use them to trigger a fueltank explosion.
  • Wires could melt the cover on their tile and deliver some burn to everyone who steps on them, if it doesn't require a TON of resources.
  • Borg docking stations and robuddy docks would cause powercells to explode if a borg/buddy stays in too long after their cell has reached 100% charge.
  • Airlocks would snap shut so fast that being on their tile when they close would crush you.

Yea but since it happens nearly every round this would probably become annoying as shit very fast. It should only happen if the grid is hotwired or something, just so someone has to take that extra step.

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