01-03-2014, 11:27 AM
Quote:It would be swell to have a switchroom. Telescience stealing your stuff? Flip the switch, then demand money and a written apology. It's already possible for a good setup to provide power to a permanent telesci portal.
That's not the way I was thinking of earning money, although the thing you mentioned is one of the benefits. I'm drafting a switch-room idea, I'll post it on suggestions when I'm finished, rather than hijack this thread!
Quote:Now, why does this happen sometimes? Simple answer: an engineer has decided, either out of malice, good intentions or stupidity, that the power going to waste is bad and have wired the main station grid directly to the engine output cables, bypassing the SMES (referred to as hotwiring the engine).I was one of those nerds who got to 4MW and was happy with the void-like state, and then never touched it since as there wasn't anything really imo to keep me coming back. I knew about the hotwiring, but I didn't know it was the cause of arcflashes
Why do you think arc flashes happen randomly, again?