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Disarming someone should be harder
Karakoran Wrote:Half the time when I try to disarm someone I end up failing 4 times in a row anyway. It sucks when someone gets a lucky hit off, but otherwise you're screwed in every fight ever against a traitor unless you have a proper weapon. Imagine an artistic toolbox rampage. He's unstunnable, undisarmable, and can knock you unconscious in a hit or two. Rampages really don't need any more help, and we shouldn't limit non-harmful fighting options.

Well artbox IS artbox. It's definitely the best (and most boring imo) rampage item compared to spacker/belt/chainsaw/saber/safari kit, so I wouldn't use that as a reference. But I do agree that a disarm shouldn't fuck over the person attempting it. Even though it's hilarious you shouldn't have an arm cut off trying to disarm a saber (unless it's a REALLY small chance). I do think disarming someone and having an item go skidding across the floor or fire off at someone else is cool though.

What I'm thinking is: whatever chance there is to disarm (idk say 25% or something), add another seperate 10% chance on top to throw the weapon, fire it, etc. This way disarms don't get harder but change the dynamics and sort of put the fight on equal ground. Then again this might just be annoying as shit so I can't really see if it would work in-game or not.

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