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Fleshing Out the Medical Director
Don Wrote:How about letting traitor Medical Directors blow their telecrystals on a vial containing a random pathogen? You'd reintroduce disease outbreaks to the game while also giving MDs their own unique 'thing' that everyone would instantly flag them as an antagonist for the second someone started coughing.
A kit for ~6 crystals that has a bio suit, the virus, a vaccine, and a description of the virus. You could get different pathogens that balance out traits. For instance measles is very infective (irl it lingers in a room for 24 hours after a person has left) and not as deadly. Meanwhile something like HIV would be harder to infect but fatal. You would find a patient 0 to infect and release the plague onto the station through him. A good baddy could destroy the station, a bad one would give himself AIDS and die.

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