12-25-2013, 07:03 PM
APARTHEID Wrote:Allow me to lavish you with agreement, as this would make them unable to just get stims and be nearly invincible for long enough to get enough coffee and shit to stay invincible.Weavel Wrote:One thing mentioned was making it Nuke Op/Surplus/Assistant only, might reduce the regularity
If I were to suggest a nerf: slightly longer move recharge
As it is, with the wrestling belt, you have four more crystals to use. For anyone else that isn't packing stims, that's: a gun of some kind; a pipebomb and something else; a voice changer; chameleon suit and something else, and that's more or less it.
A one-crystal increase would ensure that jerks won't pack a .22 while beating up people, but would allow wrestlers to carry a mini-rad bow or a pipebomb instead.
Seven crystals might be alright for something that's akin to a cyalume.