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What rev did wrong and how to fix it (maybe).
Well spy is what was made to replace the awful revolution mode, but spy is literally rev mode 2.0. I think that spy mode COULD be a good replacement but as of now it just doesn't work well. One of the main things rev did perfectly is that you can see your fellow revs. I think that spy would be 100% better if you could see your fellow mindslaved individuals. The only problem with that is that you'd know if a mindslave implant failed but UGHHHHHHHHHH I would totally be willing to give that up for an actual working and fun spy mode.

As of now spy is played as such: Inject some dudes in your department/security. Kill everyone. Escape on the shuttle.

The main reason it is played as such is because there is no way to get a spy vs. spy mechanic going since if you catch a spy doing spy things and you're a spy you have to murder them or they'll murder you. It'd be better if the spymasters all had opposing objectives but the explicit rules that the spymasters are not to harm/cause harm to each other. This way it would encourage the spymaster to send out his henchmen to do his dirty work and to ensure that there is something (hopefully) interesting going on during the whole round. For instance, one of them gets the objective to murder the captain, while another gets the objective to capture the captain alive and keep him from escaping on the escape shuttle.

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