12-22-2013, 01:37 PM
Clarks Wrote:Cogwerks Wrote:If you have fun arresting people for vandalism or trespassing or whatever, go right the hell ahead.
The cops who go after vandals usually do it in a superserious way. It's the guys who strip you and give you 2:30 for stealing a jetpack.
It's pretty rare for some cop to use these arrest for interrogations that are fun for both him and the prisoner. Once -I was a traitor though- I pretended to be deaf after throwing flashbangs at flarearms and led him into an overly long but funny questioning written on paper.
Or to quickly round up a couple of people in the brig for a prison wrestling match, or anything that requires some imagination and er pee. Most rounds people are just dicking about anyway, anything thst spices up a round is welcome.
But most cops just give you 2:30 and leave.
If a sec officer is beating, stripping, and nearly permabrigging someone for stealing a jetpack, they honestly need to be jobbaned for a bit so that they can go read how to actually play sec. When i play security, and i see someone busting into EVA, ill usually just flash them, and then tell them to simply ask the AI or a Head to let them in. I wont even take their tools or cuff them.
On the subject of a security officer using lethal force on some asshole who just decided to randomly punch them, i would hope that the threat of being banned would stop an over zealous guard from going rogue cop and killing anyone that looks at him funny. Yet, i know these hopes are misplaced at times.