12-20-2013, 05:44 PM
I changed the way taser bolts work about eight hours ago. First shot confuses movement, second hit slows you way the fuck down if the first one is still active, third stuns, fourth floors you. Armor is now taken into account too.
One lucky hit across the hall will definitely fuck with your ability to fight, but it's not necessarily a round ender. If you really want to be sure they won't get away, burst stun will be a lot more useful now - at the risk of missing with your whole clip load, of course.
Let me know how this goes in practice, eh?
There's also another little change, but I'll wait to see if anyone notices it.
One lucky hit across the hall will definitely fuck with your ability to fight, but it's not necessarily a round ender. If you really want to be sure they won't get away, burst stun will be a lot more useful now - at the risk of missing with your whole clip load, of course.
Let me know how this goes in practice, eh?
There's also another little change, but I'll wait to see if anyone notices it.