12-20-2013, 11:05 AM
Cogwerks Wrote:An interesting thought. Hmm.Going on this, something else suggested here, and something I thought of the other day.
I'll mess around with some stuff later today when I get into town, might be worth doing a couple days with service revolvers or something to see how it goes. Protracted gun fights are definitely a lot more interesting than ZAP: YOU LOSE
Security starts with service revolvers, right? Loaded with stun rounds, one spare box in the locker, more can be dispensed from the Vendor. The stun shots have the Cough effect (drops what they have in their hand, not really coughing, or maybe they got the wind shot out of them who knows) and 2+ shots would floor them like they got flashed.
Now, when shit REALLY hits the fan, like Syndicate or a Traitor on a god damn rampage, two officers or the HoS can swipe their cards on (something, I don't know, an ammo dispenser?) and it'll dispense a single box of lethal ammo. They couldn't just repeatedly swipe for more ammo, so give it like, a 1-2 minute cooldown period.
Revolvers are good, but I think Semi-Auto pistols would fit the security vibes more. (Lethal shots would be less damage than traitor revolver, more than detective, but with an all-round ammo capacity of one or two shots more.)