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Artifact Suggestions
Ah, sorry to tread on the toes of your thread, I should have done a search. Thanks for reposting your ideas, they are great. Unfortunately that thread went a bit wrong after the OP, aside from atomicfire's suggestions. Link.

mozi Wrote:I think I've got the hang of the machines but can't parse the data to figure anything useful out at all. Some clues would be rad
The cool thing about artifact research is you can record the data as you go along and try and figure out what it means later on. I can now tell what some artifacts do just from an xray scan. I don't even know if some of the readings even mean anything but this is the most fun I've had doing 2d spaceman science. I'm now trying to figure out if any of the readings might indicate the activation method.

Anyway this thread is for suggestions about what new artifacts could do rather than complaining about the OS of computers or the difficulty of activating ancient alien technology.

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