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Traitor Item questions & tips
Tips N tricks courtesy of Swedlokim and co.

here's one of the best tricks: a C saber stuns even when off, so you can use it's very hard to see off sprite to your advantage, hit a guy once with it off when he doesn't notice it in your hand and then go in for the kill while he is stunned!

the silenced .22 is really good for surprise assassinations, sort of like a buffed up derringer.

you can weaponize bar food pretty easily, try making a monkey eat a brainburger and draw it's blood, might be something useful there!

probably the #1 tip for not being caught is to never pre spawn your gear until you need it, i used to do this all the time and it got me caught and permabrigged/killed a lot, if security finds you trying to hack into the AI upload but you never spawned that revolver for killing that dude later then they will 99% of the time let you go with a 3 minute brig time.

Improvised weapons are a great alternative to traitor weapons when you don't need them, it also confuses people slightly.

pretending to brawl with someone is a good idea, challenge them to a boxing match and pull a knife on them, or better yet slam them against something, they'll think you're just cheating a little bit, when in fact you are gonna kill them.

hiding a bunch of nasty traps around the station is great fun, for example hide a pipebomb mousetrap under the clown bop bag, or buy a freedom implant and get security to search you with a backpack full of flashbangs (or better yet a pipebomb for all you die a glorious death guys)

BRAIN damage is what kills you in the end, if you can use poisons that directly do BRAIN then they are going to kill fast.

when a person is down only a passive grab is required to throw.

the EMP grenades are super useful against the AI's turrets if you can't be bothered to get a laser gun to shoot them with.

try using the teleporter as a weapon, for example drop a teleporter beacon in the mixing room and throw people through a portal.

pretense is powerful, if someone sees that you have authorization or authority they will balk, especially good if you have mindslaved/impersonated the HoS.

people will pretty much always believe the AI, unless you can damage it's credibility or have some people who think you are innocent no matter what, expect the AI to run you down like a rabid dog.

two shots from a laser gun will put unarmored targets into critical.

the chameleon projector is very useful for escaping security chasing after you.

lube can be extremely deadly, just bolt open the escape doors and watch people fling themselves into deep space while screaming "FFFUUUUCKING LLL-URK"

the bowling kit is very good, especially when you are wearing an exosuit like a biosuit that completely hides your jumpsuit.

the sonic grenades are great for taking down large groups of people.

the vuvuzela gun stuns for a fuckload of time and does a little damage.

tasty traps with the prototype cloak field generator can be made, for example: bashing out the lights and putting some crushers in the hall and turning this puppy on will cause a lot of grief in deadchat.

the mindslave implant can be used to great effect when you have a bomb... and the HELMET CAM! command someone to put a helmet on and carry a bomb into medbay, it makes me chuckle every time!

the chameleon jumpsuit is great for convincing the crew that the HoS is on a justice rampage.

with all those nasty chemistry secrets the good cogwerks released it would be a shame to leave the syringe gun untouched...

it might be worth your while to scan the beans that might start in the candy bag at the bar.

that's all i've got the time to put down for now folks!

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