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Traitor item cost/balance chat
DrivetimeMozol Wrote:
Sundance Wrote:Chainsaw should be able to be worn on the bag slot. You should be able to mow down glass and grills without getting shocked, and you should be able to pry open doors.

Something like this would definitely make it worth it. But you're saying you should be able to wear it on your back right? Not in a backpack? Because that seems like a fair trade-off.

On your back yes.

Captain_Bravo Wrote:
Sundance Wrote:Fake Cleaner Grenade should come as a fake cleaner grenade KIT. It should come with galoshes that can resist space cleaner. ohoho.

I'm pretty sure galoshes can already resist space cleaner. v

Sundance Wrote:Artistic Toolbox someone suggested replacing this with a "thorn scroll" for 5 telecystals which would give the chaplain 1 wizard move of his choosing. That would be epic.

I like the idea, but wasn't this already shot down? I dunno if it's really useful to suggest stuff that has already been considered and denied.

Sundance Wrote:Cloaking device needs a nerf. It should work like the radbow, self recharging. 30 seconds invisable time, 2 minutes recharge time (variable depending on byond)

Uggghhh, holy shit how many fucking times has this been suggested? A dozen? Two dozen? I don't even give a shit what happens with the cloak, I'm just tired of people suggesting the exact same thing over and over. 2/10, did not like.

1. Did I say space cleaner. Fuck I meant space lube
2. It wasn't shot down. It got a firm thumbs up by alot of people then disappeared to ambiguity because that's how the suggestion forum works
3. If something is suggested over and over and over then it's probably because people are being sick of getting killed by something that has only 1 counter, thermals. Flash thing is bunched and t-ray is quite useless when your assailant has already stunned you causing you to drop your shit. A different fix would perhaps be make the cloak literally work like the cloak of darkness.
Cogwerks Wrote:
Sonic grenades can be made via beaker assemblies or grenade kits

No. It's like chiropteran screech, not the bang in a flashbang.

Floor closet is also incredibly useful already, most people just don't realize it.

Fake cleaner grenades are already a 5-grenade kit for 2 TC, and they're quite mean.
Isn't sonic powder a thing or did I miss something?

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