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The Good Sec Thread(tm)
Quote:hint fucking hint, guys
Alright, well I'm not to sure if flashing constantly to keep someone suppressed is entirely necessary. It might not effect them IC but OOC that flashing screen can be agitating. Once cuffed and pulled, there's very little they can do apart from scream.
My general procedure whom I know is an ass is stunning, cuffing then bringing them back to security. I don't have an issue with bucklecuffing once its a temporary measure and done inside of security. I've seen people be bucklecuffed outside of security and that leads to bad things. Unless security is compromised, bring them back. I then as stated above, bucklecuff and frisk them, then depending on how much of an ass they are I immediately either a) let them go, b) bring them to interrogation in which I will work with the detective for an appropriate sentence, or c) last option is brigging them immediately, but that's only if I know they've been an ass before or they are being extremely difficult.
In terms of brigging, a single flash while I uncuff them to stop them from escaping suffices.

Now dealing with traitors, and it's already stated in the thread, murdering a traitor is the least fun thing you can do. Murdering a traitor should only be last resort, heat of passion if you will, as in they've completely and utterly destroyed everything and are very competent in how they carry out this.
I confiscate a traitors items, let the HoP demote him (often with the title "reformed traitor") or this one time I shaved the traitors head completely bald so that it would be difficult to hide his identity. It helps to put heat on the traitor, get to know his objectives (if he has a tracker, then you've already got part of your answer), if his objective was to kill someone: Let that person know.
Then I let him go. Simple as. If he has some stuff stashed away, or another traitor helps him out or he manages to fuck us up without these things well then good job to him for being robust or having a plan B.

Also I saw in a round a chill captain who dealt with a wizard by genetically turning the wizard into a powerless human (whom became an alcoholic). I thought this was a cool idea and should be implemented by others in the future.

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