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How the Derringer SHOULD work.

The derringer is a surprise weapon, something that should be drawn without pause, like shown wonderfully in this django unchained scene. Currently it doesn't do this, you have to type *wink to activate it. This is pretty damn lame because
A) You have to physically type it in, which completely ruins the whole purpose of the weapon.
B) You could have *wink typed in beforehand and simply hit enter, but this means you sacrifice the opportunity of speaking
C) The whole *wink situation has become pretty meta, anyone seen winking is immediately looked at, and lone behold, the person that winked is holding a derringer.

Here's two easy fixes that will buff the derringer and will make it FAR more useful and opted for. The first fix is to change how the derringer is activated into your hand, the second fix is tied to the first due to the fact *wink is no longer a thing.
1: The derringer can now be activated with the active hand shortcut [Middle mouse click/Page up]
No more typing. Quick, 1 click of a button, bam you have a gun in the hand that you switched to. This obviously sacrifices the ability to quick switch hands when you have a derringer hidden, but this is moot seen as the benefits of this far outweighs the sacrifice. Now comes situations where you can say "Fuck you" and immediately robust them with the derringer.
2: Drawing the derringer makes an ejecting sound, but does not appear on the chatlog
Similar to the link, drawing the derringer makes a noise like ejecting a tape (or derringer for that matter). This is due to the fact that *wink is no longer a thing. This way when you enter a room and draw a derringer, people won't see a chatlog message but will hear the sound, at least giving them some form of warning.

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