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Wirewraith - LLJK#2 - 11:15PM EST 12/2/13
Admin name: Wirewraith
Server: LLJK #2
Date/Time: Around 11:15 PM EST, December 2
Synopsis: I was the only Engineer messing with the engine. As I'm checking the pressure near the purge valve, I hear an extinguisher go off/see foam from the hotloop room, and go in. Inside is an assistant with the RCD (which I left in there after spacing the cans since nobody goes in that room). I chase him around the engine core (Which starts losing power rapidly, so I yell at the assistant for doing something), retrieve the RCD by punch-stunning him, pick it up and drag him out of the core to the Engineering lobby. As I try to swap to the grab intent and change hands to dump the assistant in the disposals chute to begone with him, lag makes me hit him once with the RCD and I am almost immediately gibbed after changing hands and properly moving him. The remainder is in the ahelp logs.
DEAD: ADMIN(Wirewraith) says, "(he didnt break it)"
HELP:  You: The hitting him in the head with the RCD was an accident, and that was mildly uncalled for
[A minute or two delay follows here, interspersed by a Centcom announcement]
HELP:  You: So... I stun/disarm an assistant breaking into Engineering and stealing the RCD at the exact same time as the engine suddenly losing power/pressure rapidly, don't have a backpack to store the RCD, BYONDlag makes me hit him with the RCD -one time- while trying to switch hands and grab intent him to get him out, and I get instagibbed and ignored?
Admin PM from-Wirewraith: ok gibbing you was a little grumpy of me and i admit that but you are wrong about most everything else there.
Admin PM from-Wirewraith: dude didn't break in/steal anything/break the engine i was  messing with him by teleporting him into fire/dangerous areas
Reply PM to-Wirewraith: Everything else being his sudden appearance and the engine losing power being a coincidence. Ok, fine, but he still had the RCD, which engineers tend to be grumpy over.
Admin PM from-Wirewraith: yeah he had that beforehand, not 100% how/why unless he had previously stolen it in the round
Reply PM to-Wirewraith: I left it in the hotloop room since I was using it to remove tiles to manage heat
Admin PM from-Wirewraith: oh well that will be how then
Reply PM to-Wirewraith: Because nobody enters that room unless they're an engineer or have something untowards implied.

So for trying to protect a sensitive area/engineering tool from an assistant, I get gibbed, ignored afterwards instead of immediately chastised even when I instantly explain my actions, and told "I was grumpy, but you were wrong" and the implication that I get is that I basically interrupted Wirewraith's gimmick. My defense of my actions just trails off at the end and receives no further reply.

I basically just want an apology/admission of wrongdoing from Wirewraith's part, since I didn't get one after my adminhelp request for understanding why the hell I was just blown out of the round 20some minutes in.

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