11-24-2013, 01:43 AM
Marquesas Wrote:Tell you what, if anyone comes up with an interesting (not overpowered, not pointless eye candy) effect below this post, I'll code it and give it to someone to port it.
Look, nerd. Here's example of chemistry mechanics that should be expanded.
ClF3 adds heat to a container when synthesized. It's the only reagent that does this.
Cryostylane does the opposite, and drops the temperature to 0. Unfortunately it pegs the temperature there, so that it cannot be changed until cryo is moved out.
More reagents should add or subtract heat from the container they are in, this way a temperature-based reaction could be triggred by causing another reaction to happen that provides the extra heat (or cold).
There are only two reagents in game that require a minimum amount of base reagents different from one, ClF3 and Ammonia. If more reactions had different required amount of components, you could have "incompatible" reagents together in a beaker (eg. salt, and that chlorine based explosive), and you would be able to pick which reaction you want to happen.
And, like I said in the first post, some reactions could have byproducts. Mix this, and you also get extra water, for instance.
This too could be used as triggers for further reactions.