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NTSC Expansion
I'll be honest. Considering security slots where changed to have them scale with population I question the need for an NTSC at all.

Security has lots of slots as-is. For example on tbe low pop server they they only have 3 sec off slots, 2 assistant, a det and a hos. And an ntsc. So a 10 person crew could have 8 see security staff.

I'm sure its not the most popular opinion but i think the NTSC slot should be something that isnt selectable unless the hos is cryoed or a red alert is presently on going.

A command specific guard would serve to make command harder targets, when they allready are some of the hardest targets.

But of course this is an extreme idea. Its just one I've tbougnt about a long time. I've done alot of security. I'm not sure if they need the help.

This of course, in response to the "them needing more to do". .. i don't necessarily have a marriage to the idea of their limitation but I'm unsure if the healthiest place is to give them more tools. Especially since as this thread points out, their purpose is allready vague and ill defined

Messages In This Thread
NTSC Expansion - by JORJ949 - 03-10-2025, 08:43 PM
RE: NTSC Expansion - by Chasu - Yesterday, 01:33 AM
RE: NTSC Expansion - by Silent Majority - Yesterday, 07:05 AM
RE: NTSC Expansion - by Outie - Yesterday, 01:32 PM
RE: NTSC Expansion - by Waffleloffle - Yesterday, 02:27 PM
RE: NTSC Expansion - by JORJ949 - 11 hours ago
RE: NTSC Expansion - by Lefinch - Yesterday, 07:18 PM
RE: NTSC Expansion - by Mouse - 2 hours ago

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