What if emeraldenergy was a HoS? (like what if that happened)
I would like to voice my support for Emeralds application!

Emerald regularly has their finger on the pulse of how the round is playing out, whether its as Kira or as Square, In so many rounds where I have been an antag, they have been lenient and merciful where needed or brought a tempered fire when I have been rampaging.

As an AI Emerald has allowed antag behaviour balancing alerting the team to appropriate threats while including the entire station and keeping them informed.

Kira communicates a good amount on radio general frequency whether its banter with staff or traitors and regularly is seen patrolling the station interacting with departments so their character is well known and received by all.

On speaking for their temperament, I believe in RP knowing when to and taking losses is one of the most important parts in story telling and how gracefully you take that indication of personal character, Emerald excels in both, I have observed so many rounds where they have died popped up as a ghost and made jovial comments.

As an Antag Emerald has delivered a variety of performances whether its delux mindhacking a couple of people or running as a changeling and can change their approach effortlessly to how the round is flowing, They have a good station knowledge, layout and knowledge of antag abilities from both sides as playing against or as an antag.

I've seen Kira Hunt in the HoS uniform running security and leading the team from time to time, its a good fit and would be a welcome addition to the station as a more full time available HoS.

Emerald is someone who is already from my observation and experience, a very well respected player and character and well known within the community.

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RE: What if emeraldenergy was a HoS? (like what if that happened) - by Taylorstar - 03-04-2025, 10:02 AM

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