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A few kudzu people ideas, and a modest kudzu proposal
(02-27-2025, 09:02 AM)Taylorstar Wrote: A few of my Kudzu people were confronted, but from my experience its very easy to get rushed/overwhelmed and pulled out of the kudzu which can very quickly spell death for any kudzu person, which makes me wonder if they could have a magboot ability that would prevent them from leaving any kudzu tile their on, whether it be of their own volition or not.

I am Melinda from the video! My round end as a kudzu person went as follows: got disconnected from the kudzu due to some sort of flame ability from a guardbuddy, died very quickly due to lack of kudzu, re-bloomed due to crew NOT killing me then was dragged onto the shuttle in crit because someone kept dragging me when I tried to get away and put down kudzu to live on. If that gives anyone any vibes or feelings regarding the magboots ability idea. I haven't been a kudzu person very much so I don't have strong opinions on this and if it was just my lack of skill which killed me or being swarmed.

When I was turned into a kudzu person, I still had the effect of the nettles which I had breathed in prior (cinnamon, capsaicin) which constantly slowed/halted me as I attempted to continue the kudzu spread. So on that note, I feel like being nettle immune would be more ideal for a kudzu person- that or just generally immune to plant-based chems?

Finally, there's a clarification I wanted to ask about. The pop-up describes kudzu people as nonviolent and to only attack humans 'when you are attacked'. The clarification is presumably this means when your physical body is attacked only and not the kudzu (which you are part of). If you wanted to lean more into the antagonist line of kudzu people, you could make it clear that people clearing kudzu are ok to attack as kudzu = you. If not, then definitely some clarification that it specifically means your physical body would be ideal.

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RE: A few kudzu people ideas, and a modest kudzu proposal - by xenomni - 02-27-2025, 04:32 PM

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