Salevran Marendan- HOS. but done right this time.
Usual character name:Salevran Marendan
BYOND username:Michael Warren
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Salevran M(Sev)\Narinder
Recommended by (if applicable):N\A
Goon servers you play:3 and 4 leaning on 4

Reason for application: The beret is not something worn lightly. I've spent a substantial amount of time in security and with it have learned a great deal both from HOSII and officers alike. the opportunity to lead security has always intrigued me to further my ability to be a good leader in both times of peace and combat. I want to show that officers aren't just a hammer but a well-oiled machine whose greatest strength is their fellow officers by their sides. HOSII hold a great deal of power and the ability to decide life and death to those who oppose them. I hope if approved to help show my fellow men and woman of security both old and new good ways to not just be effective but fun for both sides of the gun.

Security experience (300 word minimum): i have been doing security for quite a while since about a month after i came to goon and that was nearly a year or so about. i started my career as a detective about as clueless as your average staff assistant but picked things up slowly as i went along. i have solved a number of cases in both forensics work and standard line duty across all three roles in security and have had the pleasure of working along more than a few great people. security is weird in the way that it brings people together as a team who relies on each other and manages to do it quite well at that. i took a short break for a while and have since come back into the fold of security at full strength to an assortment of old and new faces alike as well as new HOSII joining the ranks of the overworked probably drunk head of our department (looking at you argent). i quite like interrogations and working people out...just a few rounds ago i had a great conversation with a guy called nightshade in regards to a poisoning case. i can say with confidence that since ive been back both sides of the gun have been lovely to work with both my fellow line officers and the ones who have been trying to remove my insides. i do continue to look forward to seeing and training more new faces as they join the ranks of the lads behind our defense.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
    your fellow officers are your best weapon. working as a team is the only chance you stand against the horrors of this galaxy. be sure to keep in communication and don't run head first into the thick of things without your backup. secondly, don't hesitate to ask for help. nobody is born an all knowing god. we can teach you the things you don't know and maybe you can even teach us is learning. thirdly, treat thy enemy with grace. they may be a wretched criminal destined for the dark cells but there is still a person on the other side of the screen and that person feels things too. a random guy getting backhanded even if they weren't doing much of anything but existing is poor form. and lastly, do not be afraid to fail. you cant and wont win every fight and you sure as hell cant know everything. work with the information you have on hand and keep a buddy by your side and you might just live. most important thing i cant stress enough is that we are a team. work together and nothing will stand in your way....
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
    there was a round a while ago i was a CE and an inspector came by from CC directly...a real bigshot guy. we gave him some wine and the man dropped dead in front of myself, the RD, the NTSC, and the HOS so everyone starts freaking out like someone kicked them. i came up with the idea for the NTSC to take his uniform and pose as him to convince the two OTHER inspectors that showed up he never died. we even gave the NTSC a speechpro to hide his voice. the whole thing was quite entertaining and for what its worth? they believe our lie.
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
    there isn't anything off the top of my head i can think of that we could use at present. everything we have is balanced and set up quite well for its power and utility.
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
    if im in a full team as a detective i usually hang back and run forensics while letting the lads do the heavy lifting. if im an officer on a full team i might try and see if people will work in at least pairs and buddy up with someone or go spend more time mingling with the crew when situations are being responded to with enough officers. otherwise i bounce ideas off any HOS or officers for cases and brainstorming to track down crime.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
    the wings of science purple spite us
    the halls fill with plasma
    its hot in here
  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
    the idea of a kind of blueshield system. a blueshield is like a security officer assigned to a head and charged with their defense and survival. would be interesting to see how that might pan out
  • Draw a picture!
    (see last application. it is too shameful to be willing to post it a second time. i shutter just thinking about it)
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): i have had no bans im aware of

as a side note i ,as stated, have been gone for a little bit taking a break. i have since come back and will be (trying) to work security again if the RNG gods permit it. the old faces might remember me but the new ones likely don't even know me. as such i haven't recently trained anyone ,though i have in the past, and i will be working to prove my capability to these new faces not only with the gun but with words. an HOS isnt a robustness test but a test of how fun and beneficial to a rounds motion one can be. in the last app i noticed people i knew posting things but i almost feel like thats a sort of bias. please....remain impartial. keep things fair. we don't need fake berets even if you like them.

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Salevran Marendan- HOS. but done right this time. - by Michael Warren - 02-24-2025, 08:40 PM

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