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A few kudzu people ideas, and a modest kudzu proposal
This is entirely for the sake of the discussion in the thread. I am not making a judgement on the situation as mentor or something. I'm just showing the actual popup as it currently exists for reference. As always: If you're not sure about an antag situation in a round definitely AHELP or use discord to ]report it.

[Image: kudzupopup.png]

One thing to note, the wiki currently directs to an empty page.

As for the ideas stated, yeah that sounds fun, I think ultimately a seed only available to a couple of classes for one antag type and the occasional adminfunny means that kudzupeople definitely are fun but anyone who wants to work on them is going to be doing it as a passion project.

EDIT: got side tracked bug reporting, as I said hopefully someone picks them up as a passion project. I do feel like they could be really fun antag or non antag. As for their status: I feel like It's probably Rules As Written but if anyone gets a report back or an admin says on here that's not what it means: the popup should have the language changed to reflect they mean "Kudzupeople are not antagonists by default"

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RE: A few kudzu people ideas, and a modest kudzu proposal - by Lefinch - 7 hours ago

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