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Automatic word filters
I do NOT want filters on this game for so many reasons I won't name them. But it comes down to.... one simple reason (I know goon won't filter this word, but I still want to point it out)

Assassin. It has the word Ass in it twice... in a lot of bad filtering systems. Ass is filtered out REGARDLESS of how it's used... even if the game ITSELF has the word ASSASSIN in it.. So we get ******in.
Or with funny word filters: Bobbabobbain.

I am fine with TOGGLABLE filters though. Then you decide yourself to hear terrible words.
But... personally...
No filter > Toggleable Filter > Forced Funny Filter > **** filter

In this case a lot of the slurs won't "harm" the language, but I think it would start a whack a mole hunt on finding ways to say the word in different languages.... or somehow go around the filter.

A classic is turning the word "Fuck" into "1=u)k" It's not elegant but it goes on.
And when we restrict the same words in different languages.. that's when saying something scientific like "Potassium" turns into "****as****" for example.

Messages In This Thread
Automatic word filters - by Outie - Yesterday, 01:35 PM
RE: Automatic word filters - by Waffleloffle - Yesterday, 01:53 PM
RE: Automatic word filters - by Kotlol - 5 hours ago
RE: Automatic word filters - by Kotlol - 59 minutes ago

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