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Kudzu improvements
How I want to change kudzu myself... is focus more on the botany side of it.

Decrease the wild growth for one. Have it be a risk/reward kinda deal.
If left unchecked it will start spawning on random locations and become "Wild Kudzu"
Have it produce a lot of seeds too so if an antagonist wants to be a jerk, they can use it.

Basically have a main plant to grow from and cultivate. Have it be able to make fruits that are really good for crew and antagonists wich gives it a value and thus wanting to grow for both sides, but have it come with risks antags can take.

Also Kudzu folk will also have more value as "botanists" as keeping them pleased will mean more of this valuable fruit, but in secret the Kudzu folk still want to spread.

Also maybe add a value of how many tiles the Kudzu has spread makes the fruit better. Giving an interresting play around it.

And then.. remove it from the antagonist botany pile and insted have it be something that can be made in botany (through some means) or a loot drop.

Or just change the benefits of the "Kudzu" of the antagonist version to be just wild kudzu that spreads fast and DOESNT make Kudzu folk. (or if they do they just become zombies that aren't players)

I always keep saying Kudzu is a fun thing but it's in this middle ground of "eh"
So dividing the annoyance or increasing it's use is probably more interresting.

Eitherway I do not want Kudzu to become like a blob.. but more or less something that can "lead a round" and give botany a new interresting twist.

Messages In This Thread
Kudzu improvements - by Taylorstar - 01-24-2025, 06:46 AM
RE: Kudzu improvements - by Dr. Puggers - 01-25-2025, 03:25 AM
RE: Kudzu improvements - by Kotlol - 01-25-2025, 04:09 AM

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