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Worst offender of sec item looking like a syndicate item?
I'm also a bit nonplussed by this. It's not just the colour, Officer Goode Guye has a name, probably a baton, and -generally- isn't wearing a suit that looks like they've been bulking recently. Even the consultants tend to be a bit more lithe. Agent Murderkill is usually wearing a bike helmet, possibly commander armor and probably carrying a gun and I can't see his name or his name is usually "Agent Iamgoingtokillthisislegalevidenceyoucanuseincourt"

Context is also king. If they're shooting at me I think we can safely assume they are not my friend. Mindhacks happen, theft happens. Disguises happen, hell they're some of the most fun moments in the game: when you've purposefully deceived or been deceived, bamboozled. That's just part of the game, it's that funny social deduction thing we talk about.

I just like the fact that some gear looks a bit spicy for security and some syndicate gear looks a bit like it was a failed bid to become security contracted gear.

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RE: Worst offender of sec item looking like a syndicate item? - by Lefinch - 01-05-2025, 10:57 AM

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