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Worst offender of sec item looking like a syndicate item?
Sec item that most looks like a syndicate item:

[Image: BombDisposalSuitV3.png]
Sec item that most looks like a syndicate item: The straps and general bulkiness just give that air to me.

[Image: HydraSmartPistol-32x32.png]
Syndicate item that most looks like a security weapon. It doesn't follow the syndicate main arms colour scheme, the branwen doesn't either but looks a little darker and the slide and sights are a bit sharper looking. The hydra also is very FutureTech that feels like it has closer DNA to the NTSO spec-ops weaponry than the syndicate.

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RE: Worst offender of sec item looking like a syndicate item? - by Lefinch - 12-31-2024, 06:12 AM

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