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[MERGED PR] Removes the security alert HUD button
Come on, if you want to prevent an alert from happening or from it being helpful, you have SO MANY WAYS TO DO IT, not just the jammer. I can do it, you can do it, everyone can do it, most are trivially easy and cost almost nothing to do, other than a bit of time sometimes, or up to 1 TC for PDA bombs.

Vampire ice bats, PDA bombs, thieving grappling tool, dragging someone off to space, CO2 flood, stealthy enough KO poisons, arcfiend jamming ability, lube slipping into space, telegunning someone away after the alert, packethacking alerts to send them to 5 different locations at the same time, pickpocket gun will all either prevent the alert from popping or will make it about as useful as those back and forth debates.

And that's just what I can remember from the top of my head.
Yes, you need to prepare a bit for some of them to work it to work. Yes you need to have a plan B. But it works, and you can do it. And a secoff shouldn't be a free lootbag with a baton that you can get as soon as they take 1 step into maintenance alone.

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RE: [PR] Removes the security alert HUD button - by Chatauscours - 12-29-2024, 07:06 AM

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