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[MERGED PR] Removes the security alert HUD button
(12-28-2024, 03:31 PM)NanoDano Wrote: I don't think flat out removing the button is a good idea, things happen quickly and having to navigate the pda or even just type in the radio can take a few seconds which is plenty of time to get ko'd and looted in many situations.

That is a good thing. The problem mentioned in other threads is that attacking single secoffs is not considered worth it.

So if your point comes true, we can consider this PR a sucess.

(12-27-2024, 05:58 PM)avanth Wrote: I would rather see antags as a whole have additional new ways of dealing with the buttons, rather than having it removed.

Disagree here. Antag kit are already loaded with things they need to cope woth all bullshit that gets thrown at them. This makes it very hard to design new antags and overloads ecisting ones. Also, that leaves non-antag, non-security options in the dust. That imbalance is already a problem and should not be promoted further, imo.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Removes the security alert HUD button - by Lord_earthfire - 12-29-2024, 02:53 AM

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