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[MERGED PR] Removes the security alert HUD button
Against. Due to Chata's good insight.

But I was gainst to begin with since... OH LORD! Death alerts changed... And I like to reitterate...
"You aren't suppose to want to fight security, the button is just another way to say: NO! Don't fight em head on."

I think you need a signal jammer for that. If you want to silently kill security members... jam the signal.
But if you REALLY want to change the alert button.
Make it a device they have to wear and only get the menu option if it's in their Breast pockets or hands.

Sure it might change people to only pick Robust Donuts and Alert button.. but it's what it is.
But now it's a simple device to steal.

OR YEA! Steal their PDA then kill em.

There is COUNTERPLAY TO IT. It's just most antags DO NOT COUNTERPLAY IT.
Security is suppose to be the HARD COUNTER to any antagonist. But traitors got enough tools to fight em.
Other antags not so much like blobs. So why not change them insted?

Like blobs can be moving jamming signals cause of their molecular structure and such.

But we just need to stop "nerfing" security and giving more options to antags.
Nerfing security against 1 type of antag. Is nerfing security vs ALL ANTAGS.

Anyway long topic short.
Give antags more ways to deal with the button or make the button another device to obtain for security.
But do NOT remove it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Removes the security alert HUD button - by Kotlol - 12-27-2024, 03:32 AM

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