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[MERGED PR] Removes the security alert HUD button
After giving it a bit of thought, I think this is probably fine. Nothing is stopping an officer from going ":g SHIT" while they're being beat on, so this likely won't enable a random traitor to effortlessly pick off security one by one.

If the problem was specifically crisis alerts, I think some hiccups with the acknowledgement function are part of it. It was initially added to stop dogpiling by letting other officers know who was responding to a given alert. Currently, the hyperlink won't work if your PDA is opened to another program. Switching it back isn't very convenient, and in my experience this keeps a significant number of people from actually using them.

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RE: [PR] Removes the security alert HUD button - by RubberRats - 12-26-2024, 08:50 PM

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