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Adding Piranha Solution as a new acid(oxidizer)/pyrochem (post your thoughts!)
(12-26-2024, 03:10 AM)Lefinch Wrote: Do I think the idea of something called piranha solution would be cool in goonstation? Absolutely
Do I think one element of the creation of it should involve some weird link to angling because funny? You know it.
Do I at the very least think that you should be able to fish Piranha solution for Piranha? Yes.

Am I capable of commenting on whether we need another powerful acid in the general chemistry library and one that would be reasonably powerful? I have no idea sorry.

Summary: That sounds cool but I honestly don't know either way if it's actually a good idea to add it or not.

I love the idea of fishing being involved, maybe fish oil should be part of the recipe

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RE: Adding Piranha Solution as a new acid/pyrochem (post your thoughts!) - by ithebinman - 12-26-2024, 04:27 AM

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