Mon McCready's HoS application attempt 2
I greatly appreciate how Mon demonstrates care for other player's fun when I see her in security and I've had a number of standout rounds with her including:

My first security round ever where they trained me, not only covering all the bases and leaving me feeling like I was fully prepared but also taking the time to explain in looc certain nuances like best practices and differences in the expected server culture compared to other codebases/servers I was familiar with. I would also regularly see her going out of her way to help guide newbie security players in many rounds after this.

A round with only a few security, myself included, with them as Captain. They struck a fantastic balance between letting security do their job without stepping on any toes and giving them time to shine, as well as keeping the team on track and providing guidance and orders when necessary. This resulted in a very enjoyable round not only for security but the antags we dealt with.

Overall I think she is perfectly suited for the role.

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RE: Mon McCready's HoS application attempt 2 - by Isane - 12-20-2024, 11:16 PM

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